Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday: Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

Work Wednesday-Managing Stress

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It has been a while since I have done a Work Wednesday post and I am so glad that I am able to get back into the swing of these. These are some of my favorite posts to write because like the majority of you all, I also work a full time job. Like I have discussed before, I am a program manager in IT leading a 3 year very complicated project currently. I love every bit of it, but there can be some tough situations that come up almost daily, and of course the stress of doing it all. I wouldn’t want to be in any other role currently as I love not knowing what to expect each day and am always excited for the next challenge. Like I have mentioned though, there is lots of stress that also comes with leading a huge visible project, and for any other job for that manner. We all handle our stress differently, but managing stress is the key to a healthy overall well being even when it can seem like your life is chaotic. Below are some of my tips that I do to try to remain stress free.

Tips for Managing Stress

  • Try to Look at Something Motivational When you First Wake Up Instead of Email: If you are like me, then you have your company email on your phone. I love the convenience of this, but also find that I am checking it non-stop. One of the worst things that can make you stressed out is looking at your email as soon as you wake up. You want to see exactly what you missed while you were sleeping. Chances are there is not too much that can’t wait until you get into the office. If you wake up already feeling stressed then your whole day will most likely be a domino effect. Instead look at a bible verse or anything motivational like a podcast. I do both of these and it honestly helps me start my day off on the right foot. I look forward to this simple routine every morning.
  • Please Take a Break: I am the type of person that can’t sit at my desk for hours at a time. I could if I wanted too, but I get anxious and need to take a walk to get a coffee or just do a quick lap. Not only is this good for your body and your eyes, but on your stress level too. I have also done this after a stressful meeting. I believe it is better to go into the bathroom or walk around to blow off some steam after a quick meeting instead of feeling more overwhelmed by just continuing to work.
  • Write it Out: You can write out your thoughts to get them on paper, any ideas you have in the future, or maybe even just your to do list and goals for the week. Actually writing them traditionally on paper instead of in your phone or computer helps me out a ton. There is something so satisfying about crossing off an item on your to do list that helps me keep my stress level down a little bit.
  • Have Something to Look Forward To: I love to plan anything from trips with my friends and family to themed parties at my place. Having something on the calendar to look forward to makes the week and days go by faster. It is something fun to look forward to that can eliminate your stress even more.
  • Try to Stick to a Work/Life Balance: This is probably one of the hardest things that I personally deal with. I don’t know about you but I tend to work later and then go home and answer emails and on the weekends too. This can be a never ending rabbit hole, but sometimes your job is very demanding. You will burn out quickly and feel more stressed out than you do already. It is nice to keep to a work/life balance especially if you are on vacation.
  • Have a Nightly Ritual: I have stuck to the same nightly ritual as often as I can. I take a bubble bath every single night and that helps relax me, and I can throw away all my stress. I also light candles, do some light reading, and try to take my mind off of things. Indulging in a TV show or book that is fiction is a great way that you can also unwind. If the show or book has a happy ending, then that leaves your evening on a great note. Whatever your nightly routine is, I suggest sticking to it and include something that helps you de-stress.
  • Your Goals Don’t Always Have to Have a Specific End Date: I know you are probably thinking “what?!, but my boss requires me to put my goals for the year in our performance review plan”. This is true, and everyone needs to have goals that are measurable with clear deliverables. I am the type of person who is a perfectionist sometimes though when it comes to my work. This is not the best state to be in when I think I need to give myself 15 big goals, and I will stress myself out until they get done. Some goals take longer than what you had originally expected and that is ok. Everything is not going to go as smoothly as planned, but it is nice that we have an original plan in place. Don’t be so harsh on yourself if you at least have a goal but have not put an end date to it. Contrary to popular belief you might complete it earlier instead of others that you do have due dates for.

We all get stressed out from time to time in our work. Some more than others, but it is how we handle our stress that makes us who we are. Everyone reacts differently and has different ways of coping with stress. I hope you have enjoyed my personal tips on how I manage stress. It is not a matter of when stress comes, but how you react and how you can keep it to a minimum in this crazy life 🙂

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