friendsgiving dress

Friendsgiving Dress

friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress
friendsgiving dress

Dress | Boots | Bag | Bracelets | Necklace


Hi friends! It sure has been a while since I wrote a post. Between work and life lately I have not been able to spend as much time blogging, but still keep up with you all via email and social media. The holidays are approaching and I am getting back into the swing of things. If you are here in Houston or were rooting on the Astros, you have been rocking a lot of orange lately. Since Halloween just ended as well, this has been a great color to wear all month long. I don’t have too much orange in my closet, but I love the rich hue and vibe it gives for the Fall months. It is crazy to me that it is already November and that Friendsgivings are already being planned. I have one this week where I plan to wear this great dress.

Friendsgiving is always one of those events where you want to look comfortable but also cute as well. We all know you will be eating a ton and most likely having plenty of wine too. It also means that 9 times out of 10 a photo or story will be posted on social media. I always think pairing your look with some chic boots is key. A dress that is in a comfortable material like this dress that I wore previously makes a fun Friendsgiving outfit. My favorite thing about this outfit is the Fall colors with the bag and the dress. It also helps that the dress is sleeveless. I don’t know about you, but sleeves lately in Houston are not ideal yet. I have been preparing for Christmas already with some of my favorite tips, even though it still barely feels like Fall out. You can never be too prepared, and it is a great way to enjoy the season. I hope you all have a great week and find your own Friendsgiving dress!

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