October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

October Feels

Dress | Jacket | Boots | Bag | Earrings c/o


Happy Wednesday and happy back from full on birthday week celebrations! It has been a great past week getting to celebrate my 30th birthday and having fun doing dinners with friends, and of course my weekend trip to Miami. This was the first time that I had gone there, and had such a great time with the weather, food, and the overall culture. I will probably try to do a guide of what we did while we were there. Another thing that I got great response from you all on was my pieces of wisdom that I have gained since turning 30 in my post here. I loved writing this and opening up through different perspectives over the years. It is safe to say that October is my favorite month, and that I am loving the October feels of this outfit. Yes, it is my birthday month but like I have mentioned before I like Halloween and the overall Fall vibes of the fashion that is out during this time. I like to incorporate pieces that I have had for years in my closet, while mixing it up with some new fun pieces. That is exactly what I did in this look to give it an updated vibe.

I have worn this dress in the Summer time and now it was time to incorporate pieces to it for a more cooler weather outfit. This snakeskin jacket has been here with me since Rodeo season and now back at it in the Fall. I love mixing in animal print and feel like it is one of those prints that can go with so much throughout the season. I am one of those who at work I am either wearing animal print or double the animal print with my tote bag as well. I wanted to make this outfit a little girly and flirty with the dress, slouchy boots, and ladylike bag. One of my favorite trends other than animal print of course this season has got to be a more defined handbag style. There is something so sophisticated and ladylike of a structured handbag like this. Your entire outfit could be casual or loose fitting, but if you add a bag like this in then it completely elevates it. There are so many styles out right now that include a variation of a bag like this. You can pair it with your favorite Fall pieces for all of the October feels.

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