transitioning into working from home

Work Wednesday: Transitioning into Working From Home

transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home
transitioning into working from home

Top (on sale) | Blazer | Shorts | Booties | Bag (on sale)


As of this week there has been a stay at home order now here in Houston. I have been using this time for a lot of reflection, prayer and now doing things that I have been putting off for a while. It is truly a weird time in the world with the Corona virus and I hope that us practicing social distance is going to help us return back to normal life as soon as possible. One thing that the majority of us are probably doing is working from home. Transitioning into working from home from being in the office around a lot of people where you can just walk down the hall and ask a question and have plenty of conversations, can be a little hard. If you are like me then you prefer loungewear during this time, but some of you have to actually do video conferencing. That is where this outfit comes in handy. It is all work on top with the blazer, but you are still wearing shorts and can be comfy. I have worn this blazer so many different times and it is seriously one of my favorite work pieces. If you are transitioning into working from home or have done it all of your life, pleas see my tips below of what has been working for me and let me know yours as well.

Transitioning into Working From Home Tips

  • Have a designated work space or 2 that is set up that is not your bed. It can be real tempting to just stay in bed and work from your laptop like I do to write blog posts, but this should not be the case here. If you don’t have a designated office like me then use your bar or your coffee table for this.
  • Make your bed every single day. I know this sounds weird because who is actually going to be coming over. I hardly ever have anyone coming over during the week, and I still like to make it because it makes the whole room. As my grandma used to say “Even if your room is a mess, if your bed is made it makes it look so much put together.”
  • Set breaks throughout the day on a timer. I was not doing this the first week and was honestly getting a little restless. At work we go grab a cup of coffee, might walk a few laps around the office, or go talk to a co-worker. We have to do the same while we are working from home and just to get some fresh air as well. Putting these on your phone and setting them as alarms helps so much.
  • Act like your phone is not a smartphone during working hours. This can be really hard to do but is worth it for productivity. I turn it on loud and will put it across the room if I am not on a conference call so that I am not tempted to scroll through the news or social media about all of this. If you truly act like it just calls, it will make a big difference.
  • Eat healthy throughout the day and try to limit snacking. When you are at home and have the pantry and fridge steps away, it can be really hard not to graze all day long. If you need to have a special designated basket or bag that is just with a couple of healthy snacks and your drinks for the day, then this would be a good tactic to use.
  • Get some fresh air. This is one of the few things we can still do right now that will make a great difference in our health and overall well being. When you take your (2) 15 minute breaks or your lunch hour, make sure to get some Vitamin D while you are there.
  • Change out of your pajamas. I am not saying that you have to get fully dressed like wearing this blazer here unless you are indeed doing video conferencing, and are embarrassed about your loungewear. I like to at least put some workout clothes on that motivates me to workout on my breaks and go on a walk when I am complete with my work day.
  • Set clear expectations on conference calls every time. This is one of the funniest and interesting things that comes up on a daily basis. People still after 500 conference calls do not know where the mute button is to get off of mute or go on mute. This can be very distracting when you are on calls. It is important to set the expectations at the beginning of the calls, and if you want just go ahead and mute everyone at the beginning.
  • Complete household chores every day. Chores are not the most fun, but when you are constantly in the same place and with the virus, wiping down everything and making for sure you are staying on top of your daily chores are a must during this time.
  • Light a candle or other simple routine to transition to after work. Since we are all in close quarters, doing a simple routine to let your brain know that work is over is a healthy habit. I personally like to light the candle in my living room and lately have been pouring myself a glass of wine. This lets myself know to shut down my laptop, Clorox wipe everything down, and then I transition into relaxation with a nice book.

I hope some of these tips help you all that are working from home as well. We are all getting through this together and being able to bounce ideas off of each other and just be positive during this hard time is the best we can do. Would love to hear your tips below.

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