6 year blog anniversary

6 Year Blog Anniversary

6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary
6 year blog anniversary

Dress | Sneakers | Bag | Necklace | Earrings


Today is BNB styling’s 6 year blog anniversary! I can’t believe 6 years has already flown by of me blogging. It honestly feels like yesterday when I had first started BNB styling as an online boutique, and then switched over to a blog after I was working with so many bloggers and thought that was more my style. I have made so many connections over these past 6 years, enjoyed awesome collaborations like this Vera Bradley trip, and most of all sharing all of my outfits and insights into things that you all like to see and that I love. I am so glad to have amazing followers like you all through great times and rough times, and glad to share my top 6 favorite things about blogging with you all below in honor of my 6 year blog anniversary.

6 Favorite Things About Blogging

  • This is My Creative Outlet: For those of you who know, I am a program manager in Technology Operations at a Utility company. My background was in Hospitality in Event Planning, which is a completely different path but still keeping things on scope, schedule and budget just with different objectives. I still love the creative side, and especially events and weddings. Writing about things I have encountered and showing you pictures of my outfits or fun parties that I have thrown, really expresses my creative outlet. It is my outlet where I go in the mornings with a cup of coffee or after work to unwind and express my self to you all.
  • Get to Share My Personal Style & Tips I Have Learned: I remember in high school my friends would always tell me to give them style tips or if they could borrow my clothes. This continued through some of college as well, and I enjoyed styling different pieces and putting my own spin to it. I also had a few people that were like “That looks good on you, but I could never pull that off”. I always think umm yes you can that is why it is fashion it may be wacky but you have fun with it. I also love sharing tips that I have learned with you as well in addition to just clothes. I have always enjoyed looking at blogs for inspiration and tips, and love doing the same now for you all.
  • Collaborating with Brands on Fresh Ideas: One of the most fun things and how bloggers make the majority of their money is through collaborations with brands. This is always so fun as you get to know brands that may have reached out to you that you have never known before, or your dream brand that you have loved forever pitches you an idea that makes your heart skip a beat. I think it is great to continue to work with brands you love and that you authentically enjoy their products. Nothing is more annoying in my opinion than seeing the same product being promoted by 50 different bloggers all saying the same thing. I think it is important to be creative and put your own idea for it and be unique.
  • Being 100% Me and Open With You All: I don’t know if a lot of other bloggers can say this, but for me I try to not ever compare myself or buy the exact same products as every other blogger. That is one thing that my followers have said sets me apart is that I don’t have to have the 1 item that everyone has been showing already on their Instagram stories. I try to be authentic as possible and will continue to open up to you all on boys, normal life things, and sometimes the hard times. I don’t always have to have makeup on and let’s be honest I don’t remember the last time I have put any on during these times. I want to be real, authentic, and an open book for those that have questions or are ever dealing with similar things. Authenticity through an online channel like this is key to loving or just liking this type of work.
  • Able to Incorporate Day Job and Tips Into Blogging: This goes into sharing my creative side, tips, as well as being real and authentic with you all. There are not a lot of people who blog full time, and I am not one of those either. As you know I work in corporate America full time and do this on the side. I like to be able to share some of my Work Wednesdays posts that I do on occasion of not only work styles, but also tips that I have managed along the way. I think it is important to relate in different areas of life. When I open up or have tips for certain things, those tend to do the best with my audience. We are all busy people and all have lives, and being able to look at the big picture and managing it all is something that I can personally struggle with and like to talk through with you all.
  • Connecting/Making Friends With You All: Not only have I made friends through blogging with some fellow bloggers whose weddings I have gone to and who I still connect with on a daily basis, remember this of the Houston bloggers. I have also made so many great connections with you all. There are daily messages or emails where I communicate with several of you that I feel like we have met before, even if we just talk through social media. I love being able to provide you inspiration, conquer a new tip or idea, or even just relate when it seems not relatable. Even though this is all through technology, it is the people and connections that truly make this for me. Blogging involves thoughts, photos, but most importantly the voice and connections that are made from each and every one of you.

Thank you all for the last 6 years and for truly making this something that I look forward to. I appreciate your support, reading along, and the questions and messages I get from you. This 6 year blog anniversary is special, and you all truly make this so worthwhile!

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