Easter Floral Dress

Easter floral dress
Easter floral dress
Easter floral dress
Easter floral dress
Easter floral dress
Easter floral dress
Easter floral dress
Easter floral dress

Dress | Booties | Bag | Earrings c/o


Happy Good Friday! I am so glad that I am able to have the day off and still be able to reflect on my faith and everything that God has blessed me with. This is another time that we all truly feel connected and are in the same boat together during this pandemic. If you are like me then you have become a little antsy with all of this, but at the same time it has taught me how to slow down and be grateful for everything I have. It has also taught me to be more passionate about the things I do and what I pour my heart into. Sometimes we don’t have to be on the go 24/7, but instead watching a movie, diving into a good book or organizing that closet you have been wanting to do is ok. This weekend if you are not wearing loungewear to celebrate Easter with your family, I think an Easter floral dress like this would be a great alternative.

It will be the first holiday other than Halloween when I had the flu and it was far worse, that we won’t be celebrating like usual. Not going to mass will be very different, but thank God for social media and the internet. I think a holiday like this calls for getting dressed up in a flowy comfy dress to celebrate. This Easter floral dress is one that I have worn to work, to blogger events, church, and now can wear for Easter as well. It is more comfortable than this lace dress that I have worn in the past, but still will make you feel 100% better that you put clothes on that don’t have an elastic waistband. I know the struggle is real and I am actually going to try to put makeup on today and get dressed in real clothes. I know that it will personally make me feel better, and I have a new mascara that I have been dying to try out. I hope you all have a wonderful 3 day weekend and if anything be able to talk to your family via FaceTime 🙂

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