holiday season

How to Navigate and Have Grace During the Holiday Season

holiday season
holiday season
holiday season
holiday season
holiday season
holiday season

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I can’t believe Christmas is almost a week away. It is crazy to think that just a couple of weeks ago we were all with family for Thanksgiving. Between family coming in and preparations galore, it is hard for us to sometimes remain calm and not feel anxious during this time. There are a lot of planning and to-do’s that are on our lists. Also all of the holiday season things including Christmas pop up bars, parties, and a celebration for everything. I am one of those who love all things Christmas and all of the “things” associated to this season. It is important to plan with some of my helpful tasks I have compiled here, but also realize when to say no in order to remain sane. Below are some of my tips on how to navigate and have grace during this season. This is a season for joy, love, calm and ultimately celebrating the one who sacrificed everything for us.

  • Prep in Advance: I started a 13 week countdown back in September. This spaced things out for me and put little tasks on timelines that were manageable. Between making sure to stock up on staple pantry goods or scheduling in time for what matters most like giving back my time helped. We all put in our work meetings every day to our calendar, so adding in little tasks each week that need to get done for the holidays help so much.
  • Pick 1-3 Activities That Mean the Most to You: Don’t try to do all of the things because you feel obligated or are invited to them. I struggle with this because I have FOMO. Since Covid I have learned to say no and realize my sleep and overall mental capacity are much better than saying yes all of the time. If you have a tradition you like to do every year with your family or friends then focus on that and then going to one or two extra things. If you say yes to everything, then you won’t have a single weekend where you can just relax.
  • Take a Deep breath and Smile: Even though this is one of the happiest times of the year, I feel like some people think it’s a time to honk at people on roads or just not be the most jolly. People are stressed during this time of year with end of year deadlines, potential financial obligations, and other stresses that can take over. It is hard to not act in the same negative way back, but we all need to be the better person and just take a deep breath. A lot of people just need a smile during this time of year to help them navigate through their stresses.
  • Choose Healthy Indulgences: After a long day sometimes we can all think to just grab the wine bottle and pig out on junk food. Especially with all of the celebrations, it is hard to sometimes not over indulge. If you can stick to your normal workout routine then this makes everything better and you don’t feel too bad. You have got to give yourself grace and have that chocolate if you want it, but healthy indulgences are always better.
  • When in Doubt, Write it Out: This is my mantra when someone mentions something that they would like for Christmas 6 months ago or a little reminder I need to do in order to prep for a gathering. Writing something down is perfectly fine and gives our brain more capacity to think after we have officially put it out on paper or in your phone. This also helps when we are feeling stressed and want to journal or putting down our favorite memories from the season.
  • Think Of What You Can Do Good for Your Soul: I have been incorporating an Advent wreath at my place this year and doing prayers. Typically I just follow along with Church on Sundays, but this has been something extra that I have added and feel great about doing. Whether you are helping someone in need or growing more in your faith, it is great to do something good for your soul.

If you incorporate some of these into your holiday season, it will ultimately help you and understand the reason for the season. It is important to be calm, have joy, and just be in each others presence during this time of year. I hope you all have grace and joy this holiday season.

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