bright fur

Bright Fur

bright fur

bright fur

bright fur

bright fur


bright fur

bright fur

bright fur

bright fur

Sweater | Fur Stole | Leggings | Booties | Earrings


Whenever I think of the winter months, the first thought that comes to my mind for fashion is fur! I love wearing this luxurious fabric during the daytime or at night during the chillier months. We all know that right now in Houston, it has been going from the 40’s to high 70’s almost over night. This is always one of those things that makes me sick during this time of year. You never know if you should bring out the fur, or put on a tank top. During times like these I love to wear my bright fur stole. Not only does this make any outfit that much more glam, but it also only provides that extra warmth where you need it around your neck. Instead of wearing a fun necklace, this is one of my favorite winter accessories. You all remember I first wore this stole for fashion week a couple of years ago. This is one of those pieces that is a statement that can be worn for all sorts of events.

I know that the holiday season is now over, but we can’t forget about all of the fun trips that we want to plan and Valentines Day that is coming up. There are still lots of occasions where you can dress up like this for a fun night out. Velvet does not have to be the only type of luxurious fabric to wear during this time of year, even though it is one of my favorites. I decided to make this outfit even brighter with my favorite cashmere sweater that will go from every season and of course my favorite white booties. A bright fur look is even better than a basic black or white fur look that we all have seen. If you don’t have any bright fur pieces, start with a stole like this that is such a great all around accessory.

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