Beach Look

beach look

beach look

beach look

beach look

beach look

beach look

Bikini Top | Bikini Bottom | Cover Up (available in shorter version) | Sandals | Bag c/o | Sunglasses

It is finally the new year of 2016, I can’t believe it. I know that it will take me a while to start writing 2016 now, it always does! Did everyone have a fun time celebrating? I spent it with my friends going to get sushi and then going to this rooftop bar which was so much fun. I love getting dressed up because when else do you have an excuse to wear a whole lot of sequins? Over the years I end up never knowing what to do though until the last minute. Sometimes just relaxing is just the best option. I tend to do this best and especially when I am on a beach in St Maarten it just makes it 10 times better. These pictures were taken from my cruise that I went on for Thanksgiving and talk about relaxing! This beach look was one that could be thrown quickly over my swimsuit and just lounge in.

We went to a beach right next to the airport runway where the planes would fly right over us. My dad had been wanting to go so we thought we would check it out. You would never know from these pictures but holy cow that was a very touristy beach. Everyone must have had the same idea and the fact that there was a fun bar right next door was convenient too. It was the perfect area though to take some blog photos which from this scenery it is breathtaking. There were a lot of selfie sticks too! I don’t have one but when the planes were flying over that would have been a great handy tool to have. This past weekend I did a whole lot of vegging out and relaxing. When I mean vegging out I mean watching a lot of Netflix and then going to the Texans game yesterday! Now it is back to work and back to the grind on this Monday. What makes it even better is that today is the after party sale for Lilly Pulitizer! It is now time to treat yourself after all of the gift giving 🙂

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