neon pink

Neon Pink

neon pink

neon pink

neon pink

neon pink

neon pink

neon pink

neon pink

neon pink

neon pink

Dress (vintage, similar) | Jacket | Booties | Sunglasses | Earrings c/o


It has been a while since I have worn neon pink, but this weather is sure making me want to wear it every day. This is one of those colors that pops no matter what else you are wearing with it. I first had worn this neon skirt a couple of years ago and had kept it for a while. Now this dress I got at Cheeky Vintage a while back and think that it is a fun staple to have in your closet for different occasions. I have paired this dress with my blue fur stole and a jacket and boots in the cooler weather, and some white sneakers for a more casual look. Pink is for sure one of those colors that I don’t have enough of in my closet. If you remember this pink lace dress, talk about loving all of the lace. When you are more tan in the Summer, this color really makes a pop. I am hardly tan at all considering last weekend was one of the few weekends I have gone to the pool so far this year. I do love Summer and the bright colors, but just like everyone else I am ready for Fall.

I know when it is Fall/Winter we want Summer which is so true. It is the last week for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale though and make sure you have seen all of my staple items here. There are actually a couple of pink items that I actually got during the sale. This is normally not one of my favorite colors, but it has been growing on me more lately. We can’t forget about these white booties. Even though I got them in the cooler months, I have still seen them everywhere lately. I am loving the western vibe of these that I spotted. Some bright shoes like these with the neon dress and a denim piece combines funky with classic pieces. This look would be so much fun for your next event!

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