work from home look

Work From Home Looks

Dress | Shoes | Headband | Necklace | White Bracelet | Cable Bracelet

If you are like me, then you have been working from home since the March timeframe, and don’t plan to go back anytime soon. I have gotten so used to working from home and honestly the transition to go back to work in the office one day will now be a bigger transition for me. I have a set routine now that gradually starts the day out in a much slower way than the hustle and bustle before. Typically I honestly wake up just in time for me to wash my face, grab my coffee, and get to working. This has gotten better over the last couple of days as I have actually been trying to put real clothes on, even if they are just comfy loungewear on most days. These work from home looks below are some that are great to throw on when you need to put your webcam on, yet still want to be super comfortable.

This pink dress is one of the easiest throw on and go work from home looks that is super comfortable. I love being able to wear pieces like this, that are honestly easier than wearing for instance a button down and jean shorts. I have been buying loungewear pieces on the weekly it seems like. That is what happens when there is nothing else to do and you are bored, you online shop. These other pieces are great work from home looks that you should add into your wardrobe. I mean hello your closet is feeling very lonely and needs a little love after all. Putting some cute loungewear and comfy pieces like this are perfect work from home looks that will make you feel 10 times more put together.

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