patchwork dress

Patchwork Dress

patchwork dress
patchwork dress
patchwork dress
patchwork dress
patchwork dress
patchwork dress

Dress | Belt | Bag c/o | Booties


Happy Monday everyone! There is probably a lot of you that are working from home this week and then others which are in the office this week like me. I hope you all are continuing to stay safe and and keeping yourself occupied. One thing that I have been trying to do is make lists of things that have been running low in my usual normal day to day routine, so I know what I will need to stock up on. This routine has helped me to stay organized as I know what will be running low and will help me before I move. Another thing that I have been doing lately is making a list of items that I have been eyeing on a Spring wish list and assessing what I have had in my closet from Winter that will carry into the Spring. One of these items is this patchwork dress that I first got for NYC during Christmas.

I like to make sure to assess my clothing and realize what I can and can’t carry into the new season by just swapping out some accessories. Here in Houston it already seems like it is going to be a very hot Summer as it is already reaching temperatures in the 80’s. This means these booties that I have still been wearing to the office and on the weekends, might need to be swapped for some wedges sooner than later. Patterns like this patchwork dress are an essential piece that I love mixing and matching with. I think it makes more of a versatile closet to have dresses in fun patterns and then keep your accessories more on the neutral side with a classic bag and shoes. This is the approach that I typically use for my wardrobe when I am pulling everything together. I hope you can find some time to go through your wardrobe this week and figure out what you can carry on from season to season as well.

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